Treasure Hunt in Asolo

Treasure Hunt in Asolo


€ 36 per adult person, € 21 for children up to 14 years

€ 31 total: special Family package: 1 adult + 2 children

€ 27 total: special Family package: 2 adults + 2 children

(the cost of the Experience includes: treasure, final refreshment and local support person).

Asolo & The Venetian Villas


For young and old, a new and fun way to explore Asolo! After a short briefing with our local expert you will be divided into teams and with the support of clues and a map you will venture on your journey through the streets of Asolo! Attention: the tasty Treasure is only for those who find it before the others, but everyone will toast together with a good local aperitif!

The Treasure Hunt lasts about 2/2.5 hours in all and is possible by reservation every day.